Services Tailored to Your Specific Needs


“Camila made everything a breeze. She had it all ready even before the agreed date. I just had to show up to my appointment and present the documentation. As simple as that”.

M.A. - Certified Translations

English and Spanish Certified Translations

Translation of any document requiring legal validity: personal, educational, corporate and more.

A certified translation, also known as legalized, sworn, notarized, official, or public translation, must be done by a translator registered and licensed by an official Translator’s Association. The association will verify the translator’s seal and signature and make sure that the document follows all guidelines regarding formality. A certified translation holds the same legal standing as the original document.

I am registered with the Sworn Translators Association of the City of Buenos Aires (Colegio de Traductores de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) and have my digital signature available to expedite the process.

Any document can require a certified translation. Here are some examples of documents I have translated:

  • Birth certificates for citizenship applications.

  • Syllabus and programs to continue studies abroad.

  • Diplomas and transcripts to request validation (homologation) abroad.

  • Death certificates and wills to initiate probate and succession proceedings.

  • Powers of attorney to demonstrate power over an estate or individual.

  • Income certificates for visa, residency, or citizenship applications.

  • Marriage certificates to register the union abroad.

  • Court orders for divorce, alimony, child support and custody.

  • Disability certificates to request benefits in another country.

  • Medical history to be transferred and continue treatment abroad.

  • Employment contracts to demonstrate the employment relationship.

  • Travel authorizations for minors travelling abroad without both parents.

  • Vaccination certificates to present to health authorities.

How much does this service cost?

The Sworn Translators Association made the minimum suggested rate for certified translations available here. However, these are tentative and should be considered part of my professional transparency, not as a definite service quote.

Would you like to receive a quote for your specific needs, documents and requirements? Get in touch by clicking here or the button below.

Do you need a Certified Translation of these or other documents?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.

English and Spanish Consecutive & Simultaneous Interpretation

Interpretation services for meetings, appointments, conferences, presentations and more.

Translation vs. Interpretation

First things first, translation is written and interpretation is spoken.

Depending on the type of event, consecutive or simultaneous translation might be better suited to your needs.

Consecutive Interpretation

Consecutive interpretation is an interaction between two people, or a small group, who speak English and Spanish with the interpreter as an intermediary. In this modality, the speakers pause to allow the interpreter to translate.
In other words, in consecutive interpretation, the participants and the interpreter take turns speaking.

Examples of where consecutive interpretation is applicable include:

  • Medical appointments.

  • Bank errands.

  • Interactions with public agencies, consulates or embassies.

  • Wedding ceremonies.

Simultaneous Interpretation

Unlike consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation happens in real time without pauses or turns. This method is more suitable for events with a larger number of participants where speakers and listeners do not speak the same language.

Examples include:

  • Conferences.

  • Exhibitions.

  • Webinars.

  • Press conferences.

  • Debates.

  • Classes.

  • Wedding ceremonies.

  • Religious celebrations.

Do you need interpretation services?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.

English and Spanish Technical & Scientific Translations

Accurate translations for your technical and scientific texts.

I provide expert English and Spanish translations for technical and scientific documents.
My experience includes translating communications between experts and from experts to non-experts.
For the latter, I focus on simple language, believing that specialized knowledge should be easy to understand and accessible.

Here are some examples of documents I have translated:

  • Patient-facing material for clinical trials.

  • Clinical trial reports.

  • Research papers and abstracts as a proposal for a journal.

  • Scientific journal’s press releases.

  • Fact sheets and user manuals of medical and other types of equipment.

  • Patents.

  • Handbooks.

  • Leaflets.

Do you need a translation of your technical or scientific documents?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.

English and Spanish
Legal Translations

Accurate, reliable, precise and trusted translations for court orders, affidavits, powers of attorney, and more.

A Legal Document outlines the legal terms and conditions of the arrangement described within its content. For your legal documents to have the same legal standing in Argentina and other countries, check the Certified Translations section.

Here are some examples of legal documents I have translated:

  • Affidavits.

  • Court orders.

  • Contracts.

  • Rogatory letters.

  • Powers of attorney.

  • Articles of incorporation.

  • Bylaws.

  • Summons.

Safeguarding confidentiality

For most clients, reliability and accuracy in translation are top concerns, along with confidentiality. I assure all my clients that I take stringent measures to protect document contents, using licensed private software locally, rather than relying on free, open-source online resources.

Additionally, I ensure that I am the sole person involved throughout the entire translation process. Contact me for any questions you have!

Do you need a translation of these or other legal documents?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.

English and Spanish
Text Adaptation

Text adaptation into simple, non-gendered, non-ableist,
non-ageist language and more.

text adaptation simple language non-ableist language non-gendered language non-ageist language

Text adaptation involves modifying a text based on its purpose, audience, and the author's intent.

As a linguist committed to equality, I can adapt texts to ensure they use non-sexist, anti-ageist, and anti-ableist language, guaranteeing that communication reflects values of diversity and respect.

Simple language uses simple sentences and straightforward and easy-to-understand words to make communication accessible to a broad audience. It prioritizes clarity, brevity and directness.

The non-sexist language uses terms and expressions that include all people, regardless of their sex or gender. It aims to avoid language that perpetuates gender stereotypes or implies that certain activities or roles are exclusive to a specific gender.

The anti-ageist language avoids age discrimination and negative stereotypes associated with ageing. It focuses on using respectful and non-discriminatory language towards older adults, recognizing their diversity and value in society.

The anti-ableist language avoids discrimination based on disability and challenges negative stereotypes about people with disabilities. It emphasizes using inclusive and respectful language and recognizing the dignity, autonomy, and diversity of people with disabilities.

Clients have requested these services on documents such as patient resources, press releases, guides and even a glossary! But they can be applied to any type of document.

Are you curious or need to adapt your texts to be more inclusive?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.

Apostille Your Documents

Consultation and document apostille processing
only for documents issued in Argentina.

apostille argentina get apostille for my documents. how do I get apostille for my documents?

The Hague Apostille provides a streamlined method for legalizing documents and ensuring their authenticity in private international law.
The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues the Apostille and attaches the new page to a copy of the public document, including translations.

The Apostille is only valid in countries that have signed into the Hague Convention. If the country where you intend to present your documents is not a signatory country, you will need to certify your document through a different notarization process that depends on the target country.

Next steps

Requesting an Apostille in Argentina is an online process that any person can start.
If you don’t want to have yet another thing to worry about, I can handle the entire apostille process for you.
The cost of obtaining an apostille varies based on the document type and modality selected.
For detailed information on costs and additional requirements, visit the Foreign Affairs Ministry's official website.

Do you need do you need your documents apostilled?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.