Legal Translation

English and Spanish
Legal Translations

Accurate, reliable, precise and trusted translations for court orders, affidavits, powers of attorney, and more.

A Legal Document outlines the legal terms and conditions of the arrangement described within its content. For your legal documents to have the same legal standing in Argentina and other countries, check the Certified Translations section.

Here are some examples of legal documents I have translated:

  • Affidavits.

  • Court orders.

  • Contracts.

  • Rogatory letters.

  • Powers of attorney.

  • Articles of incorporation.

  • Bylaws.

  • Summons.

Safeguarding confidentiality

For most clients, reliability and accuracy in translation are top concerns, along with confidentiality. I assure all my clients that I take stringent measures to protect document contents, using licensed private software locally, rather than relying on free, open-source online resources.

Additionally, I ensure that I am the sole person involved throughout the entire translation process. Contact me for any questions you have!

Do you need a translation of these or other legal documents?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.