Text Adaptation

English and Spanish
Text Adaptation

Text adaptation into simple, non-gendered, non-ableist,
non-ageist language and more.

text adaptation simple language non-ableist language non-gendered language non-ageist language

Text adaptation involves modifying a text based on its purpose, audience, and the author's intent.

As a linguist committed to equality, I can adapt texts to ensure they use non-sexist, anti-ageist, and anti-ableist language, guaranteeing that communication reflects values of diversity and respect.

Simple language uses simple sentences and straightforward and easy-to-understand words to make communication accessible to a broad audience. It prioritizes clarity, brevity and directness.

The non-sexist language uses terms and expressions that include all people, regardless of their sex or gender. It aims to avoid language that perpetuates gender stereotypes or implies that certain activities or roles are exclusive to a specific gender.

The anti-ageist language avoids age discrimination and negative stereotypes associated with ageing. It focuses on using respectful and non-discriminatory language towards older adults, recognizing their diversity and value in society.

The anti-ableist language avoids discrimination based on disability and challenges negative stereotypes about people with disabilities. It emphasizes using inclusive and respectful language and recognizing the dignity, autonomy, and diversity of people with disabilities.

Clients have requested these services on documents such as patient resources, press releases, guides and even a glossary! But they can be applied to any type of document.

Are you curious or need to adapt your texts to be more inclusive?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.