Consecutive & Simultaneous Interpretation

English and Spanish Consecutive & Simultaneous Interpretation

Interpretation services for meetings, appointments, conferences, presentations and more.

Translation vs. Interpretation

First things first, translation is written and interpretation is spoken.

Depending on the type of event, consecutive or simultaneous translation might be better suited to your needs.

Consecutive Interpretation

Consecutive interpretation is an interaction between two people, or a small group, who speak English and Spanish with the interpreter as an intermediary. In this modality, the speakers pause to allow the interpreter to translate.
In other words, in consecutive interpretation, the participants and the interpreter take turns speaking.

Examples of where consecutive interpretation is applicable include:

  • Medical appointments.

  • Bank errands.

  • Interactions with public agencies, consulates or embassies.

  • Wedding ceremonies.

Simultaneous Interpretation

Unlike consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation happens in real time without pauses or turns. This method is more suitable for events with a larger number of participants where speakers and listeners do not speak the same language.

Examples include:

  • Conferences.

  • Exhibitions.

  • Webinars.

  • Press conferences.

  • Debates.

  • Classes.

  • Wedding ceremonies.

  • Religious celebrations.

Do you need interpretation services?
Get in touch! I’ll be happy to help you.